
Monday, November 23, 2009


For so many things...

For Lloyd'qwa's birth
- no that's not really going to be her name but it's what Lloyd and I have dubbed her for the time being. We're being a bit contrary about sharing her name just yet. My mom has decided that it's "the Irish in you talking."

Which leads me to:

For a productive and minimal medical intervention labor & delivery
- I know it ain't called labor for nothing but I've been subjected to some horror stories lately. Why do people insist on telling pregnant women the worst labor stories they can possibly think of in gory detail?!?!

For my last day of work.
- I really really need to get out of here before I'm totally burned out of the field. Six months (I KNOW! But I have 13 weeks sick, comp and vacation time built up alone, before all the family leave and stuff) of just me, Lloyd'qwa and Lloyd. As of today, including furlough days and holidays, I have 25 full work days left and counting. My last day is December 31st.

For figuring out this whole motherhood thing
- Terrified and so hopeful at the same time.

For the holidays
- Just get me though Thanksgiving, Hanukkah and Christmas with minimal incident. There's always drama, but let's not make it High Drama...'kay?

For returning to running
- I "ran" my last race in October (Army 10-miler) and was so close to breaking the 30 minute mark on my 5K time back in May when I discovered I was pregnant. I've got my eye on the HoHa 5-miler in May 2010 and the Army 10-miler in October 2010. Lloyd, understanding man that he is, has promised me blocks of daddy/Lloyd'qwa time so that I can start the walk/run process as soon as the doc clears me.

And last but not least:
- For that first glass of post-baby wine. I haven't missed it much, but oh how I'm looking forward to that first glass...