This is actually at the Tenafly Nature Center but I wanted a picture for this post and my iPod is in the car... |
It. Was. Awesome.
I have a regular route up in the Ramapo Valley County Reservation, which I first used to hike in "hiking boots" from Payless with my CD walkman in my hand- way back in 'naught 2 - my route would take me a full album, plus halfway through again (about an hour and a half, roughly 4 miles). I hiked because I had gotten laid-off and knew if I sat around the house I'd go crazy/gain 1,000 lbs while moping about being unemployed.
Then I got pregnant and while I didn't stop exercising I did stop hiking; balance and the super-flexibility powers that pregnancy gives you being the biggest reason. This super-flexibility makes your hips and ankles do funny things on uneven surfaces and lacking much grace, I figured I'd stick to pavement, swimming pools and stationary bikes. Much safer for all considered...
Then Miss N happend and well - time got away from me.
But not on Tuesday. On Tuesday I dropped Miss N off at day camp (my salvation from 9-3 from now until August 2nd) and high-tailed it out of town. The noise from the cicadas was huge and I saw evidence of them everywhere but I didn't see a single live one. I had anticipated a few (hundred) landing on me as I hiked, but nothing. Thank goodness, because I was having flashbacks to the Dive-bombing Incident of '88 and was bracing myself to have to abort mission when the ick factor got too high.
The Dive-bombing Incident of '88 is a story for another time, but it involves Japanese beetles and my stint as a lifeguard. I'm shuddering just thinking about it.
It was great. The hills were just enough to get the legs hurting and the heart pumping as I remember them. The route just as solitary in a thoughtful and peaceful way, the grass smelling just as crispy green on that tiny plateau just as the blue route jogs to the right and leaves the silver and I came out just muddy enough to know I worked for it.
I gotta get back up there.
Have any of you tried trail running? I'm thinking about it but am not sure I'm committed enough to get trail sneakers. I don't want to run in my regular trainers, because they're new-ish and I love them too much to get them gunky and muddy. I've nothing against gunk and mud - just don't want to have to wait to road run while they dry out...