L and I talked about it and as a trade-off I'm going to sign up for a few longer distance races including 2 that require overnight stays, but not airfare, car rentals or asking my m-i-l to take Miss N for 4+ nights. All this will still total way less (even with entry fees, overnight trips, gas, tolls etc) than just the initial deposit on FIRST.
So what does all this mean?
You guessed it, a new training plan...
Rather than get all ambitious and block out my training through the Fall and the Army 10-Miler in late October (that's right, for a moment I almost skipped us right over Summer and into Fall with this plan), I decided to put together one plan at a time with an eye on a race in each grouping of time. The idea was to try to avoid overtraining and also have more time to ramp-up for a race and with the understanding a week or two of fudged workouts does not spell total disaster.
First up, the Newport 10K. It's a local race whose starting line I can walk to and a distance that not only have I not raced, but isn't impossible to train for in 13 weeks (am coming at it from almost NO running in December & January). I've had a rough few weeks, but I'll talk about that in another post - hopefully - nothing traumatic just super-stressful.
Anyway, Newport is also a race that probably a few women from my running group will end up going to - so I'll likely have company at the start line (if not for long because so many of them are so fast, which is fine because chasing them makes me faster...).
So...Training plan, part 1 (apolgies for formatting issues). I hope you'll note I'm really trying to make this one work as I've eased up on my expectations, I'm going slow and I've built in a recovery week behind the 10K. That's also the week that non-priorty registration opens for ATM - if I don't get in it changes Fall a little so I have time to prepare without trashing an entire training session.
| Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday |
Feb 13 |
| 1.5 run | 30-60 walk | 1.5 run | 30-60 walk | 1.5 run | 30-60 walk |
Feb 20 | Yoga | 1.75 run | 30-60 walk | 1.5 run | 30-60 walk | 1.75 run | 30-60 walk |
Feb 27 | Yoga | 2 run | 30-60 walk | 1.5 run + weights | 30-60 walk | 2 run | 30-60 walk |
Mar 5 | Yoga | 2.25 run +weights | 30-60 walk | 1.5 run + weights | 30-60 walk | 2.25 run | 30-60 walk |
Mar 12 | Yoga | 2.5 run + weights | Elliptical | 2 run + weights | 30-60 walk30-60 walk | 2.50 run | 30-60 walk |
Mar 19 | Yoga | 2.75 run + weights | Elliptical | 2 run + weights | 30-60 walk | 2.75 run | 30-60 walk |
Mar 26 | Yoga | 3 run + weights | Elliptical | 2 run + weights | 30-60 walk | 3 run | 30-60 walk |
Apr 2 | Yoga | 3 run + weights | Elliptical | 2 run + weights | 30-60 walk | 3.5 run | 30-60 walk |
Apr 9 | Yoga | 3 run + weights | Elliptical | 2 run + weights | 30-60 walk | 4 run | 30-60 walk |
Apr 16 | Yoga | 3 run + weights | Elliptical | 2 run + weights | 30-60 walk | 4.5 run | 30-60 walk |
Apr 23 | Yoga | 3 run + weights | Elliptical | 2 run + weights | 30-60 walk | 5 run | 30-60 walk |
Apr 30 | Yoga | 3 run + weights | Elliptical | 2 run + weights | 30-60 walk | 5.5 run | 30-60 walk |
May 7 | Yoga | 3 run + weights | Elliptical 30min | Rest | Rest | Newport 10K | Rest |
May 14 | Yoga | 2 run easy | Walk | 2 run easy | Walk | 3 run easy | 30-60 walk |
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